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If you're a business that's grown tired of Salesforce, or you feel like Salesforce isn't fit for purpose anymore, we hope this blog post helps explain why Salesforce-to-HubSpot is a common migration.
We will also answer the question: Why do so many businesses make the leap from Salesforce to HubSpot? In this post, Marketing Operations Consultant, Jamie Tyrrell, speaks with Chief Executive, John Kelleher, to find out more.
HubSpot's ease of use
As John explains in this video, users express joy at how simple HubSpot is to use, and how HubSpot's heavily customisable nature, combined with its simplicity, leads to a unified experience:
All-on-one platform
HubSpot's versatile nature means that it manages to be customisable without creating more data silos. By streamlining your data input and reporting to one platform, you free up time for your teams to focus on more valuable tasks:
Addressing common concerns
Jamie has previous experience as a Managing Recruitment Consultant, specialising in HubSpot positions. He commonly found that Salesforce users were concerned that using HubSpot wouldn't change anything, and that it would give them more work rather than simplifying it. John and Jamie here address those concerns:
If you're a Salesforce user and the product is no longer fit for purpose, or you feel like you've got too many satellite technologies and data silos, reach out to the team at SpotDev today to get started on migrating to a heavily customisable, easy-to-use, all-on-one platform.