If you work in the B2C industry you may have questioned whether email marketing has a place in your marketing strategy. Whether you have an eCommerce site or you run a restaurant, your business can benefit tremendously by investing some time, and money, into an email marketing strategy.

As far as we’re concerned here at SpotDev, B2C industry is the ideal market to use email marketing. Not only are you able to contact people directly with any offers or news that your business may have, but you are also able to be extremely personalised with your messages to increase sales and build a stronger relationship with your customers.

Why Should B2C Companies Invest in Email Marketing?

A survey of marketers found that 70% were seeing a positive return in their email marketing efforts, and although you do need a different strategy to that of a B2B email marketing campaign, it can still be very productive for your business.

As most B2C businesses have a much shorter lead time than that of a B2B company, your main call to action is likely to be value-based to help tempt your subscribers to impulse buy by triggering an emotional response, for example a sense of urgency to take advantage of your sale. However, if you’re a B2C company that offers more expensive products you will still want to rely on the content to help build a strong relationship with your consumers.

How to get the Most out of Email Marketing in the B2C industry

No matter what business you are in there are a few best practices you should implement into your B2C email marketing strategy to get the most out of your efforts: 

  • Make sure to include social media buttons as this can help to increase click-through rate by 158%;
  • Test your email design before you click send. Although images and graphics can help to improve your click-through rate, if the email isn’t displaying properly 71.2% of consumers are likely to delete it;
  • If you have short lead times, B2C email marketing can give you much more opportunity to A/B test your campaigns. You will be able test different aspects of your campaign and quickly see what changes had the most impact on your conversions;
  • Personalisation can increase your unique open rate by 29% and your unique click-through rate by 41%.
Email marketing for the B2C industry doesn’t have to always be about your latest sale or special offer. You can also use it as a way to show your appreciation to your loyal customers and offer them unique discount codes or sneak peaks that aren’t available anywhere else.

However it doesn’t have to just be just a one way communication tool, as email marketing gives you the opportunity to contact your subscribers to get feedback on your business. By offering them a chance to fill in a short survey on their latest purchase, or your business in general, you will be able to start to gain powerful insights straight from your customers and act upon them to give them more of what they want!

No matter what your business, email marketing can be a very powerful tool when used correctly, so what’s stopping you? Start planning your email marketing campaign today using the tips mentioned above and start communicating with your subscribers in a much more personalised way.

If you're still unsure of what aspects of digital marketing should be included in your strategy you should consider working with an agency that can take care of everything for you.

Download our free eBook, the Guide to Choosing an Inbound Marketing Agency to help decide if you need one and how to identify the right one for your organisation.