
Professional Training and Coaching

HubSpot Products Used:

  • Marketing Hub Professional
  • Service Hub Professional
  • CMS Hub Enterprise

Services Used:

  • Diagnostic Engagement
  • UX Research
  • UX Design and Prototyping
  • UI (User Interface) Design System
  • Service Blueprint Design
  • Data Import
  • CRM Automation (HubSpot Workflows & Emails)
  • Backend Integration with Payment Systems (Sage & Stripe)
  • Serverless Function Development

The Challenge:

L&DI faced several issues with its outdated website, which was difficult to use and update. Multiple tech suppliers resulted in a fragmented tech stack, and the membership sign-up process was overly complex, involving nine steps. Members had little autonomy in managing their profiles, and there was no purchasing facility for events or courses. The website also lacked corporate membership functionality.

Key Challenges Identified:

  • Complex membership sign-up process (nine steps)
  • Lack of user autonomy in profile management
  • No event or course booking facilities on the website
  • Cluttered and confusing navigation
  • Corporate membership enrolment was manual and error-prone

Our Approach:

1. UX Research & Findings:

We conducted usability tests, interviews, and customer satisfaction surveys. Key findings included:

  • The homepage and navigation were cluttered and confusing.
  • The membership sign-up process was frustrating and lengthy.
  • Course and event booking was difficult, as users were directed to external websites and PDFs.
  • Corporate membership management was highly manual and error-prone.

2. Solutions Implemented:

Based on the research findings, we implemented several improvements:

Membership Sign-Up:

  • Reduced the steps from nine to five by chunking relevant information.
  • Enabled users to skip adding qualifications, with the option to join as an affiliate member.
  • Removed the pay-by-invoice option for individual members, simplifying the payment process.
  • Added tooltips and pop-ups to explain membership levels and guide users.

Course and Event Booking:

  • Replaced the confusing calendar view with tabs for "past" and "upcoming" events.
  • Utilised progressive disclosure to break booking forms into manageable chunks.
  • Added tooltips to explain why specific questions were asked, especially for Skillnet grant qualification.

Corporate Memberships:

  • Designed a corporate admin section with two unique views: one for admin users and another for corporate members.
  • Created a bespoke corporate sign-up flow and automated corporate code allocation.

CRM & Automation Solutions:

We leveraged HubSpot's CRM to create a seamless process, including:

  • Automating membership tier allocation and welcome emails.
  • Automating tier review and membership lapsed notifications to reduce churn.
  • Using HubDB to create dynamic event and course pages with customised pricing for members and non-members.


  • Reduced bounce rate from 60.75% to 51.41% in the first three months.
  • Increased Individual Membership sign-ups by 33.33%.
  • Streamlined tech stack with all purchases and bookings on a single platform.
  • Automated booking process with discounted rates for qualifying members.

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